Our Children's Ministry includes a Sunday Morning program called "Kid's Own Worship" during the 10 am service and a Wednesday night Word of Life Club "Olympians" at 6 pm. Check the information below.
KOW Ministry Team Leaders:
Week 1 – Claudia Folsom (716-478-9354) and Amanda Fowler
Week 2 - Mary Jane Ortman (716-531-2718) and Jamie Pieszala
Week 3 - Ed and Mary Bugay (716-930-8878)
Week 4 – Bob and Bethany Revell (716-531-5467)
Week 5 – Children will have the opportunity to worship with their family
If you would be willing to be a helper on one of the ministry teams please contact Mary Bugay. We would love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have. Please pray for the KOW Ministry Team as we teach your children the Word of God.
During the spring quarter we trust that our children’s heart will be thrilled as they journey through the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His death, burial, resurrection, and on to the early church. We pray that they will understand that God intended to turn Jesus’ ministry over to them with the help of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the KOW ministry team as we encourage your children to weave faith into their life. We pray that the information taught will pass from head knowledge of the Bible right into their heart and change their life.
March 2 - Jesus Teaches About Good Fruit (Luke 6:43-45) The children will learn that God helps us grow and be encouraged to praise God for helping them grow in knowledge and understanding of him.
March 9 – Jesus Tells the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) The children will learn God is loving and forgiving and be encouraged to praise God for his loving and forgiving nature.
March 16 – Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17) The children will learn that Jesus is a servant and will be encouraged to worship Jesus for showing us how to be humble servants.
March 23 – Jesus is Tried and Crucified (Luke 19:28-40; 23:1-49) The children will learn Jesus died for our sins and be encouraged to worship Jesus because he died for our sins and is worthy of all praise.
March 30 - NO KOW – Children will have the opportunity to worship with their family.
April 6 – Jesus Appears to Mary (John 20:1-18) The children will learn Jesus has power over death and be encouraged to praise Jesus for his power over death.
April 13 – Apostles Defend Their Faith (Acts 5:12-42) The children will learn we can boldly follow God and be encouraged to boldly follow God through praise and worship.
April 20 – Saul Meets Jesus Near Damascus (Acts 9:1-20) The children will learn Jesus does extraordinary things and will be encouraged to offer praise and worship to Jesus for the extraordinary things he does in our lives.
April 27 – Peter Raises Tabitha from the Dead (Acts 9:36-43) The children will learn God works through people and will be encouraged to worship God for the way he works through people.
May 4 – An Angel Frees Peter from Jail (Acts 12:1-18) The children will learn God sends angels and be encouraged to praise God for sending angels.
May 11 – Lydia is Converted (Acts 16:9-15) The children will learn God prepares our hearts and be encouraged through praise to learn how God prepares their hearts to worship him.
May 18 – Paul’s Jailer Believes in Jesus (Acts 16:16-34) The children will learn God uses his power to reach us and be encouraged to praise God for the way he uses his power to reach us.
May 25 – Paul Describes Living by God’s Spirit (Romans 8:9-17) The children will learn God’s Spirit lives in us and be encouraged to experience how God’s Spirit lives in them as they praise and worship God.
**Parents are always invited to sit in with their child to experience KOW. We are always on the look-out for great parent or church family helpers. Please contact Mary Bugay at (716) 930-8878 to learn more about this one Sunday per month (45 minute) commitment**
KOW Ministry Team Leaders:
Week 1 – Claudia Folsom (716-478-9354) and Amanda Fowler
Week 2 - Mary Jane Ortman (716-531-2718) and Jamie Pieszala
Week 3 - Ed and Mary Bugay (716-930-8878)
Week 4 – Bob and Bethany Revell (716-531-5467)
Week 5 – Children will have the opportunity to worship with their family
If you would be willing to be a helper on one of the ministry teams please contact Mary Bugay. We would love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have. Please pray for the KOW Ministry Team as we teach your children the Word of God.
During the spring quarter we trust that our children’s heart will be thrilled as they journey through the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His death, burial, resurrection, and on to the early church. We pray that they will understand that God intended to turn Jesus’ ministry over to them with the help of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the KOW ministry team as we encourage your children to weave faith into their life. We pray that the information taught will pass from head knowledge of the Bible right into their heart and change their life.
March 2 - Jesus Teaches About Good Fruit (Luke 6:43-45) The children will learn that God helps us grow and be encouraged to praise God for helping them grow in knowledge and understanding of him.
March 9 – Jesus Tells the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) The children will learn God is loving and forgiving and be encouraged to praise God for his loving and forgiving nature.
March 16 – Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1-17) The children will learn that Jesus is a servant and will be encouraged to worship Jesus for showing us how to be humble servants.
March 23 – Jesus is Tried and Crucified (Luke 19:28-40; 23:1-49) The children will learn Jesus died for our sins and be encouraged to worship Jesus because he died for our sins and is worthy of all praise.
March 30 - NO KOW – Children will have the opportunity to worship with their family.
April 6 – Jesus Appears to Mary (John 20:1-18) The children will learn Jesus has power over death and be encouraged to praise Jesus for his power over death.
April 13 – Apostles Defend Their Faith (Acts 5:12-42) The children will learn we can boldly follow God and be encouraged to boldly follow God through praise and worship.
April 20 – Saul Meets Jesus Near Damascus (Acts 9:1-20) The children will learn Jesus does extraordinary things and will be encouraged to offer praise and worship to Jesus for the extraordinary things he does in our lives.
April 27 – Peter Raises Tabitha from the Dead (Acts 9:36-43) The children will learn God works through people and will be encouraged to worship God for the way he works through people.
May 4 – An Angel Frees Peter from Jail (Acts 12:1-18) The children will learn God sends angels and be encouraged to praise God for sending angels.
May 11 – Lydia is Converted (Acts 16:9-15) The children will learn God prepares our hearts and be encouraged through praise to learn how God prepares their hearts to worship him.
May 18 – Paul’s Jailer Believes in Jesus (Acts 16:16-34) The children will learn God uses his power to reach us and be encouraged to praise God for the way he uses his power to reach us.
May 25 – Paul Describes Living by God’s Spirit (Romans 8:9-17) The children will learn God’s Spirit lives in us and be encouraged to experience how God’s Spirit lives in them as they praise and worship God.
**Parents are always invited to sit in with their child to experience KOW. We are always on the look-out for great parent or church family helpers. Please contact Mary Bugay at (716) 930-8878 to learn more about this one Sunday per month (45 minute) commitment**
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

word of life olympians

Join us for Word of Life Club!
Ages 4 & 5 (Gopher Buddies)
Grades 1- 6 (Olympians)
Every Wednesday 6:00 -8:00 p.m.
Memory verses are recited from 6-6:30 and snacks are served at this time. At 6:30 the music starts and the program begins!
Help us to have enough supplies ready for each clubber by pre-registering on line.
Ages 4 & 5 (Gopher Buddies)
Grades 1- 6 (Olympians)
Every Wednesday 6:00 -8:00 p.m.
Memory verses are recited from 6-6:30 and snacks are served at this time. At 6:30 the music starts and the program begins!
Help us to have enough supplies ready for each clubber by pre-registering on line.