Leadership and Staff


Lead Pastor

Sam was young when his dad quoted Jesus saying, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me” – John 14:6. He was perplexed by the idea that there was only one way to heaven considering all the religions in the world. As he began to read the Bible and listen to preachers, he began to have a sense of the enormity of his sin. Finally during his senior year in high school he repented and trusted in Jesus Christ as the Lord of his life. Soon after he was further discipled by Mr. and Mrs. Larson, one of the founding members of the NFBC, where Sam eventually would start attending. As he grew in his understanding of the Christian faith, he soon sensed a calling to teaching and preaching. He went to The Masters Seminary in California where he completed an MDiv. By the grace of God, he was called back to NFBC in June 2017 where he was brought on as the assistant pastor, and has recently been voted in as the lead pastor. He desires to teach and share the Lord's grace with others. Sam was also recently married to his wonderful wife Bonnie.



Chris grew up in a single parent home at a time when this was uncommon. Unfortunately, he lost both his father and brother in a tragic DWI car accident in which his mother survived.  He was raised in a home that didn’t encourage or discourage God’s Ways. But God was working in his life. He brought a Godly older couple (The Maxwells) who moved in next door into his life.  Through the Maxwells efforts, he started going to a kid’s Christian camp that taught the Bible daily. One night after one of “Uncle Dave’s” blacklight Bible lessons, he realized he was lost and accept Jesus Christ as his savior at the age of 10. During his years at the Christian Camp, he met his wife, Paula. They worked as camp staff in various areas but mainly as lifeguards and he was a scuba diver for the lake. Chris and Paula were married in 1982. They have 8 children together, and 8 grandchildren.  And over the years they have opened their home and family to include 2 “grafted in” daughters and their 5 children.  The Lord has given to them bountifully and provided their daily needs!

joe pieszala


Bio coming soon

chuck ortman


Chuck came to the Lord Jesus Christ when his brother Russ passed away. Russ was also a deacon at NFBC, and he and his wife Mary Jane, along with their family, prayed for and witnessed to him for years. One day after the funeral his niece Bethany called him and invited him to church, and he has been here, much to our blessing, ever since. Pastor Thom was very formative in helping ground Chuck in the Christian faith, and still is a big influence on him. Chuck loves the Lord and serves Him here at NFBC in many ways, helping with the accounting and with other needed things around the office!



Dave came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in the late 1990's. He and his wife Robin have been faithful members of NFBC for many years. They have both served in various areas. Dave has a kind and helpful heart and will go the extra mile when someone is need. Dave recently rejoined the Deacons to help out with the needs of the church. 

eric pieszala


Bio coming soon

judi baxter

Office Administrator and Treasurer 

Blessed to have been raised in a Christian home, Judi accepted Christ as her Savior and Lord at the age of 11.  Her teenage and young adult years found her involved in her home church  in Plattsburgh; and in Camping and Canoe Camping Ministry throughout New York State.  In college she studied education and earned certification in both Elementary and Special Education.  Marriage to Jeff brought her to Texas in 1985. Six years there included the addition of daughter Janet to the family in 1991.  That same year also brought a move to Alaska and a new church home at Moose Creek Baptist Church in North Pole, AK, where the family remained for 24+ years.  When Jeff retired from the Air Force in 1995, he became Associate Pastor and then, less than a year later, Senior Pastor of Moose Creek Baptist Church.  That was their church home for over 20 years.  In 2006, daughter Joanna joined the family.  Judi’s retirement in 2015, after 30+ years of teaching, brought the family back to New York state.  Judi and her family have been members of NFBC since 2016.  Once again, as He did in Texas and Alaska, God has placed the Baxters in a church home where they can minister and grow.  They feel blessed to be a part of the NFBC family.